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Dig deeper on the why, who and what of your supplier audit

For a supplier audit, you prepare an agenda, a checklist, and a report but what do you really

Those are tools, but what makes the tool meaningful is the purpose and use of the tool.

Next time prepare for your audit with the following points:

  1. Why are you performing this audit? More than the scope, determine if this is routine, for cause, or a technical audit.
  2. What will you focus on? An audit is a snapshot in time so what are the most important elements?
  3. Who will you be meeting with? And can you request to meet with specific people or departments?
  4. What will you do if the supplier fails the audit? Will you still use the supplier if the supplier cannot comply with regulations or how will your company adapt?

Box it up: By digging deeper to the why, who, and what of your supplier audit you ensure your product will be safe.